Friends, Romans, people of the world,
I’m so excited about the mail I just got today! It’s a package from DriveThruRPG containing the first print copies of Onyx Sky.
This little package has come all the way around the world, through totally borked supply lines and made it to my door.
As I live in Australia, physical deliveries from DriveThruRPG take AGES. I think I ordered these books over a month ago, and they only just arrived.
Which means that if I mess up, it’s a long turnaround to find out and fix those issues!
Luckily (and carefully), the books arrived and they look amazing!
These are by far the best Hero Forge Game print books so far!
Behold, Onyx Sky in all its print glory.
Here’s a peek inside:
And here is the entire Hero Forge Games digest print collection:
If you’re interested in collecting the set, here are the links: